
Below is a list of helpful resources for anyone looking for further, localized information or support.

These organizations share our common goal, to help educate children and keep them safe. If you have any recommendations for resources in your region or you’d like to be included on this page, please contact us.


True Relationships & Reproductive Health (QLD) Get more info

True is a collaborative partner of the book ‘Everyone’s got a bottom’. True Relationships & Reproductive Health (True) was established in 1972 and is a profit-for-purpose organization. Our goal is to achieve substantial, positive social impact by improving reproductive and sexual health and promoting safe and respectful relationships. True achieves this through the delivery of expert clinical services, education, and counseling.

Daniel Morcombe Child Safety Curriculum (QLD) Get more info

Everyone’s got a bottom is a recommended resource by the Daniel Morcombe Child Safety Curriculum and Queensland Department of Education.

The Queensland Department of Education, in partnership with the Daniel Morcombe Foundation, has developed the Daniel Morcombe Child Safety Curriculum for Queensland students. The Curriculum consists of classroom lessons across 3 phases of learning: Prep to Year 2, Years 3 to 6 and Years 7 to 9. Click the link below for the full list of resources.

eSafeKids Get more info

Everyone’s got a bottom is a recommended resource of eSafeKids for child education, protection and safety.

eSafeKids educates, equips and empowers children and young people to have safe and positive experiences. eSafeKids support and inspire parents, carers, educators and other professionals to talk with children about Protective Behaviours, body safety, esafety, digital wellness and pornography. Services include: professional development, parent/carer and student workshops. Resources to teach: protective behaviours, body safety, consent, media literacy, digital wellness, cyber safety, pornography and more.


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Safe4Kids Get more info

The Safe4Kids program aims to empower and educate children to help ensure their safety, as well as inspire and inform teachers, educators, parents and carers and provide them with the tools and skills they require to help keep the children in their care safe. By teaching children the language and principles of protective education, in a holistic and integrated way, they can acquire invaluable skills and strategies to identify unsafe situations and help protect themselves from potential harm. The program is culturally sensitive, and children are taught age-appropriate, abuse prevention education concepts, and given the opportunity to practise these new skills in a safe, controlled environment.

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